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BWB Community Events
Formal Dress Code
As our formals grow in popularity, we have more and more questions about dress codes. We have created this page as a quick, visual reference guide for you. Please read this page completely and dress accordingly. Purchasing a ticket to our formal events is an agreement to stay in compliance with the dress code the entire night. Those not found in compliance with the dress code will be asked to remedy the situation at their own time and expense.
Repeated offenses will result in expulsion from the formal event with no refund.
Feel free to contact us in advance with any questions!
Cathy: 817 680-5811
Young Ladies
"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to adorn themselves." 1 Peter 3::1-5
First, ladies, let us remember that we live in a lost and fallen world that neither knows Christ nor values modesty and purity. We do not take our standards from the world but from the light of the Kingdom of God. As you prepare to purchase formal attire, set aside what the world today sees as perfectly acceptable and think, rather, about the scripture stated above, We get it. We have been dress shopping. We know it can be challenging to find a dress that meets our criteria. We understand. With that being said...we have to have some sort of standard that everyone adheres to. We try to keep guidelines simple and to a minimum. If a volunteer or staff member pulls you aside regarding your attire, be courteous and respectful. Do not roll your eyes or mutter under your breath when asked to fix your attire. You may be offered an attire solution such as a shrug or tights or you may be asked to leave and change. We will have safety pins, shrugs, and tights available at the formal. Remember that no matter what you are wearing, you are here to have FUN!
A word to mothers: we have daughters and we understand the dynamics that often occur regarding dress codes. It is not fun for anyone to deal with a daughter who is pushing the limits. Please do not make our job harder by sending your student in inappropriate clothing and then arguing with us the night of the event. If you have any questions, please contact us in advance, at least a week before the dance.

No strapless dresses or off the shoulder - please provide a shrug or jacket for strapless dresses and explain to your student these must be worn all night long)
No low back dresses (must be solid fabric starting at just below shoulderblades)
No see-through sides, cutouts, bare midriffs
Necklines should be straight across, armpit to armpit, solid fabric. No cleavage showing or plunging necklines (cleavage is defined as the hollow or line between the breasts).
Skirt length must be at or below knee. This applies to all openings, slits, etc..
Undergarments present but not visible
Bike shorts recommend under flowing dresses
Pantsuits must be pre-approved
Formal wear only, no costumes or cosplay
If you must tug at, pull up or down, or otherwise adjust your dress in order to meet guidelines, modifications are needed. Your dress should be compliant with dress code throughout the entire night and all activities.
Young Men
"In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”" 1 Peter 5:5
Young men, first keep in mind that you are made in the image of the eternal, ineffable God, who has clothed Himself not only with righteousness but with virtue. Young ladies have gone to much trouble to prepare for the formal, spending time on hair, makeup, and clothing. As a matter of respect and deference, you also should take care in your appearance.

Tuxedo, suit, or sport coat is required
If jeans must be worn (we do not encourage this) -jeans must be dark fabric: black or navy
Neckwear required (tie, bow tie, bolo, etc)
No tee shirts
No shorts
No sweatshirts, hoodies, etc.
No open toed shoes
If boots are worn, must be polished dress boots
No sloppiness
Formal wear only, no costumes or cosplay